Dhajji Dewari


Dhajji Dewari is a timber frame with stone and earth infill, typically used in the mountain regions of South Asia.  Similar construction is used around the world, under different names.  Himis  is a Turkish variation, used to help reconstruct after their 1999 earthquake.  In Portugal, builders have used Gaiola Pombalina since a 1755 Lisbon earthquake rocked the city.  Lastly, Italy uses Casa Baraccata another timber frame, stone infill construction.

Other non-seismic regions of the world have used the construction technique for architectural reasons.  The Germans and United Kingdom have used Fachwerk construction, which resembles the constructions listed above.

Link: Historic Timber Structures




Dhajji Dewari

“A guidebook for technicians and artisans, For one and two storey earthquake resistant houses”
(Tom Schacher and Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali) 2009

Download TutorialENGLISH [4MB]




Switzerland: #108 Half-timbered house in the “border triangle” (Fachwerkhaus im Dreiländereck)

Portugal: #92 Historic, braced frame timber buildings with masonry infill (‘Pombalino’ buildings)

India: #150 Timber-reinforced Stone Masonry (Koti Banal Architecture) of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, Northern India

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