Housing Reports

Each housing report is a detailed description of a housing type in a particular country. The description is prepared from a number of standard closed-ended questions and some narrative that have been provided by report authors. Each report has ten major categories, including general information, architectural features, socio-economic issues, structural features, evaluation of seismic features, past earthquake damage, building materials, construction economics, insurance and seismic strengthening. A list of relevant references used in the text is also provided at the end of the each report. The housing reports can be viewed two ways:

By Continent/Country: Holding the cursor over Browse by Country under Housing Reports brings up a list of continents and countries/territories for which reports are available.
By Construction Type: Holding the cursor over Browse by Construction Type brings up a list of all the reports available on the site classified by type of construction.

The user can view the housing reports on-screen (HTML format) or download a PDF.

You can download these housing reports and use them for educational and non-commercial purposes only; but, please acknowledge WHE as the source of the material. Also, should you consider using any part of this material in any publication of your own, you must get written permission from EERI for the same.


View the Online Database here.

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