Post-EQ BLDG Damage Assessment

[Project Under Development]

This page is a location where we are collecting and storing information, published literature and guidelines related to post-earthquake building damage assessments. The goal of this page is to collect and share as much material as possible from many different countries. Once we have a fairly complete set of materials we will decide the next steps–should we publish the page as-is, begin work on a more generic “tutorial” or guideline, or some hybrid of the two. Jitendra Bothara of the WHE Editorial Board has taken the lead in organizing the task, so comments can be sent to him at, with a cc to Andrew Charleson, the WHE Editor-in-Chief,

If you would like to contribute any material for this page, please email the materials to

China Post-Earthquake Field Loss Evaluation of Earthquake Hazard 97.2KBPaper
Greece Post-Earthquake Damage and Usability Assessment of Buildings:Further Development and Applications Report 13.7 MBReport/Guidelines
Greece Earthquake emergency assessment of building safety and usability-Part 1: Technical Issues 1.18 MBPaper
Greece Post-Earthquake Emergency Assessment of Building Safety Field Manual 3.57 MBField Assessment
Greece Computer Aided Pre-and Post-Earthquake Assessment of Buildings Involving Database Compilation, GIS Visualization, and Mobile Data Transmission 530 KBPaper
Greece Post Earthquake emergency assessment of building safety and usability-Part 2: Organization 758 KBPaper
Italy Field Manual for post-earthquake damage and safety assessment and short term countermeasures (AeDES) 5.20 MBField Assessment
Italy Short Course on Post-Earthquake Building Safety and Damage Assessment 275 KBAcademic Course Schedule
Italy An Overview of Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment in Italy 148 KBPaper
Japan Permissible Residual Deformation Levels for Building Structures Considering Both Safety and Human Elements 418 KBPaper
New Zealand Post-Earthquake Physical Damage Assessment for Gas Networks Assessment 1.13 KBReport/Guidelines
New Zealand Detailed Engineering Evaluation Procedure- Development Draft 268 KBField Assessment
New Zealand Building Safety Evaluation During a State of Emergency: Guidelines for Territorial Authorities 1.05 MBReport/Guidelines
New Zealand Building Safety Evaluation Following the Canterbury Earthquakes 640 KBReport/Guidelines
Pakistan Post Earthquake Rapid Field Assessment 307 KBField Assessment
Taiwan Guidelines and Procedures for Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation and Retrofitting of Harbors and Levees 56.5 KBPaper
United Kingdom The Survey of Earthquake Damaged Non-Engineered Structures: A Field Guide by EEFIT 102 KBField Assessment
United States Post-Earthquake Damage Evaluation and Reporting Procedures: A Guidebook for California Schools 306 KBReport/Guidelines
United States Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2: SAC99-01: Post-Earthquake Evaluation 42.7 KBReport/Guidelines
United States Post-Disaster Safety Assessment Program: Guideline to the Activation and Utilization of Program Resources, California Office of Emergency Services 190 KBReport/Guidelines
United States ATC-20 Post-Earthquake Building Safety Evaluations Performed after the October 15, 2006 Hawai’i Earthquakes: Summary and Recommendations for Improvements 149 KBReport/Guidelines
United States Rapid Post-Disaster Evaluation of Building Damage Using Augmented Situational Visualization 155 KBPaper

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