Confined Masonry Guidelines

From WHE:



Guidebook for Building Earthquake-Resistant Houses in Confined Masonry
(Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC) 2018
Download Tutorials: ENGLISH [10MB] | TURKISH [10MB]
Visit the Confined Masonry Network

*Global Construction Guide & Engineered Guide under development




Seismic Design Guide For Low-Rise Confined Masonry Buildings
(Roberto Meli & Svetlana Brzev, co-chairs) 2011
Download Tutorial: ENGLISH [3.3MB]

-Explain the mechanism of seismic response of confined masonry buildings.
-Recommends design provisions related to the wall layout and density, as well as minimum sizes for structural components.
-Provides a summary of the seismic design provisions for confined masonry buildings from relevant international codes.


House Design, Construction, and Maintenance
“Construction and Maintenance of Masonry Houses”
(Marcial Blondet, editor) 2005
Download Tutorial: ENGLISH [4MB]| SPANISH [6 MB]| CHINESE [19MB]

-Earthquake resistant house design
-Construction process
-Maintenance and common repairs
-Sample house plans (3)


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