Share Your Knowledge of Buildings

Current reports are available by clicking here.

Can you spare 5 minutes? The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) and the World Housing Encyclopedia need your expertise to improve our understanding of the global building stock. You can do this by describing a building or building type in your country using the TaxT tool. Your participation will assist GEM and WHE in generating a comprehensive, global building taxonomy and further the science of seismic risk reduction. All it takes is five minutes! Please send in your report and feedback by May 1, 2013.

The GEM Building Taxonomy is presented in tabular form and uses 13 main attributes to describe building characteristics. Before you get started or at anytime working with TaxT  please note that you can access the online taxonomy tables with a complete description for each attribute here.

Get Started: Describe a specific building or building type

  1. Download: (Mac users click here) (User Info).
  2. Generate a report using TaxT.
  3. Save the report following this naming convention (YourLastname_BuildingTypology.pdf).
  4. Submit your report here or email to:

Have a little more time?

  1. Provide feedback on the taxonomy by taking a quick (5-10min) survey or uploading your comments here.Your feedback will help GEM and WHE evaluate the robustness and applicability of the building taxonomy. Feedback on specific attributes and values used in the building taxonomy is greatly appreciated.
  2. Add photos and videos to our collection of building types.

More Information

Thank you for your participation.
If you have any questions please contact Chris at




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